With endeavor and total dedication since the company was established, Srinanaporn Marketing Public Company Limited (SNNP) has been the leader in snack food manufacturing for more than 30 years. Founded in 1975, in the name of “Tung Kim Heng” by Mr. Wiwat Kraiphisitkul, chief executive officer of Srinanaporn Marketing corporate group, the company was manufacturer and distributor of tinned biscuits. Our product reputation gave us the opportunity to expand our business whose name is registered as Srinanaporn Marketing Public Company Limited. Moreover, we increased more product categories for more variety, such as jelly, fruit juice with Carrageenan and konjac powder, fish and squid products, fruit and herb drinks, etc. Nowsaday Srinanaporn Marketing Public Company Limited never stop producing good quality products for the consumers. We have continuously invested in product innovation, research and development, focusing on our strength in quality, taste, and product variety. Apart from domestic market, we also have a subsidiary company to export products of Srinanaporn corporate group to many countries, for example, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore and China, etc.

Over 30 years, with total dedication, we make every endeavour to turn Srinanaporn Marketing Public Company Limited (SNNP) into the leader in snack food manufacturing in Thailand and worldwide.